Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Why or Why Not Human Origins Really Matters

We know we are here because we are here.

We know that at some time, we were not here.

Therefore, there was a beginning of the humans on Earth.

The Bible says there was an Adam and Eve.  But what race were they?

The scientists say we evolved from single-celled organisms.  We cannot prove this until we can repeat the process in the laboratory.  And, those bones and skulls found here and there do not fit with the time frame of hundreds of thousands of years of supposed hunting and gathering.

The ancient pyramids and stone structures around the world indicate that some serious rock moving was going on in the past and we moderns have yet to explain it.  Then again, if an ancient were to see a major city with all its skyscrapers, lights, and streets with cars, would they think they had gone to paradise?

The only conclusion is we do not know how humans got to Earth.  Or, an intellectual may shop around the various origin stories and choose which one feels right.

Time is also a mystery.  Does the Universe even have to go one-way in time?  Clearly, we are making progress.  But towards what are we progressing?

Without consensus, how can a human origin story really matter?

A story is just a story.  We need stories to make us feel comfortable and give us meaning.

We need stories to tell each other, dare I say, regardless of the truth?

Philosophers who seek truth may be in for a surprise after they have written their books.

It is a mystery why we are born, live, then die.

I don't know why I am here.  I just know I am here.

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