Sunday, February 15, 2015

Whatever we do...

Whatever we do filters down to our children.
If we teach them to say no to drugs, chances are they will eventually try them.
If we hit one another physically, chances are they will try the same behavior.
I may believe I am lost at sea, and I don't affect children in any way,
but there are those who teach on recess rather than in class.

The teacher may have a structured classroom.
One with many desks, and a chalkboard.
But what about the class clowns?

The audience may line up, buy a ticket, and sit in an auditorium.
---expecting to be entertained by what happens on stage.
---expecting to laugh, cry, and applaud.

A person may go to a therapist, and get healed - however unlikely.
It is the person who heals himself.  Therapy comes from within.  Healing is drawn out by one's surroundings.  It can never be imposed by force.

So, is the main problem of life how to teach correctly?
The rules and regulations our ancestor's devised?
Or do we write our own rules regardless of the powers that be?

We are at once the ones doing and the ones done.
Every moment counts, yet matters not at all - that is the paradox of life.

Are you going to go silently or kicking and screaming?  Whatever you do, do it wisely, and remember the children are listening.

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