Saturday, April 1, 2017

How to make a better world.

Are you there? Good. You are in front of a computer connected to the internet.

How did you get there? <<<insert history of the world>>> I was born.

How do you know the truth? I was raised in public school. I spent time with friends after school.

Is there more to life than Birth, School, Work, Retirement, and Death?

There could be more, now couldn't there be?

What more is there?

That is what we (human beings) are working on. A better life than the one we have now.

What is wrong with the way the world is now? I have a gut feeling we are in a state of relative peace wherein we have time to think about our future.

Why should we plan for our (the human race's) future? Eventually, the sun is going to explode.

How do we know this? A science book told me so.

How do we know there will not be a second coming of the Christ and judgement day will come? Eventually, the sun is going to explode.

How do we know this? A science book told me so. Therefore, science is the only truth.

"Jesus loves me, this I know, for the bible tells me so."

If Jesus loves me, why should I worry?

You don't have to worry, as we are in a state of relative peace. But we all know that this state of peace is temporary. Eventually, the sun is going to explode.

How can we make a better world? Eventually, we will have to. Why not begin to make a better world now?

How can we make a better world?

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