Thursday, October 30, 2014

The line we all cross.

It seems to me that we all have part good and part evil in all of us.
But what defines how good and how evil?
I could say if I had a little more cash, I wouldn't have to steal or break the law in some way.
But what about child molesters or wife abusers?
What about people who do have money and use it only selfishly?
Where do we draw the line?
We all must do some amount of bad.
Sure, I have a mental illness and I collect Social Security.
Does that make me evil?
Because I don't participate in the rat race?
I don't even want to.
The problem arises when I want to make money selling my art.
What price should I put on it?
Too many questions.
The problem is I can't make any money aside from my fixed income.
Or else I would be breaking the law.
It is a fine catch 22.  I get enough just to get by, but I have no wife, kids, house, or car.
I will die penniless, yet can't I scrape some decency out of my existence?
Fuck it, I need to cut my fingernails now.
That is all, bye.

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